Our Thinking


Connecting Far-Flung Facilities Through PHM Tools Essential for National ACO

By Alex Foxman MD

Optimal management of high-risk patient populations is challenging, even when they reside in a single community. My organization, National ACO, has taken that challenge a step further by trying to manage such patient populations across the country.

A daunting task, as you can imagine. Based in Beverly Hills, National ACO includes participants in California, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

Having providers separated by thousands of miles and three time zones can increase management complexity, but we have found that utilizing a single population health management technology platform and sharing best practices has shrunk that distance and made the far-flung group of independent physician practices tightly unified and focused.

Exploring new care models
Apart from being the Co-Founder, Chief Medical Officer and President at National ACO, I am also a technology-inclined internal medicine physician and entrepreneur.

Since I began practicing in 2003, new care models to improve the efficiency of care delivery, while helping to achieve the Triple Aim, have been a passion. In 2009, I opened a mobile medicine practice, Mobile Physician Associates, in California that was focused on managing and treating the elderly, disabled and homebound.

A short time later, I co-launched PriveMD, a smartphone app patients can use to search for and schedule appointments with physicians or other providers.

Learn more about this article here.

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